BONU News BioNeutral Group Expands The Testing Of Its Ygiene Sterilant Against Anthrax Spores
2012-07-03 08:54 ET - News Release
MORRISTOWN, N.J., July 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- BioNeutral Group, Inc. (OTCBB: BONU) a specialty life science technology based company announced today that it has contracted Battelle to test its Ygiene Sterilants against Bacillus anthracis Ames Spores. These tests are designed to determine the efficacy of Ygiene under conditions which simulate actual contaminated environments and to determine applicability for military and homeland security utilization. Testing is expected to commence shortly.
BioNeutral's Dr. Andy Kielbania said, "We are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to work with a well-known organization like Battelle. We believe this non-clinical laboratory testing of our Ygiene Sterilants is a critical step in moving our product line into highly specialized applications. The results from this study along with our association with DLA Piper and Senator Daschle will allow us to properly position our products for government applications."