I'll grant you that 80-100 bpd is not reasonable given the recent past and distant past. If I assume that it's going to be more of the same, then there is no point in hanging on. I'm assuming that things are getting better, and I'm betting a small chunk of my hard earned money, (used to be a somewhat bigger chunk due to the shrinking pps) that things are going to get a lot better. Every day I think to myself "why aren't we there yet", but then I don't know what hurdles we have to jump through to increase the production of the existing wells, or to find leases that hold good potential, or contract with people who are dependable and knowledgable in the oilfield business. I'm hoping that our guys (TECO) have found a good place to drill shallow wells (Brown) and deeper wells (Mitchell) that will produce. I also hope that through Bull's efforts and the efforts of all those working in the field for us will yield some improvements on our existing wells. I also don't know much about TNC/Pistol.
As I said earlier today, there really is no reason to sell at this level for me. I'll ride it out, because, there seems to be some improvements happening.
It is like watching paint dry, kind of reminds me of the day during my Physics class in high school when I watched the minute hand slowly inch toward 3:00 PM, the movement was barely perceptible, but if you watched it really carefully you could see it, yeah really loved Physics.