CGRA letter from CEO
Message from Bill Wright, CEO - CGrowth Capital Inc.
Date: March 19th, 2013
To: CGrowth Capital, Inc. Shareholders
RE: Recent numerous shareholder inquiries
Dear Shareholder,
We have received numerous inquiries from shareholders requesting comment from the company as it relates to a recent spike in selling volume of CGrowth Capital stock. I felt it would be in the shareholders’ best interest to address this matter utilizing this media format.
CGrowth Capital, Inc. is an emerging growth company that has been very active as our recent press has indicated. The company is committed to increasing shareholder value and protecting shareholder equity. We stand on the threshold of some very exciting times as we rapidly approach production at our mining locations - and we are of the opinion that that we will be very successful in our endeavors. And further, we are proud of the thought that our shareholders will benefit along with us through our diligent efforts.
The company announced a few weeks ago the freezing and lock down of shares. We have signed agreements in place from shareholders who recognize the long term potential and who gladly agreed to this particular course of action. Those shareholders are honoring their agreements.
The recent rash of selling, which has caused the price per share to fall, is not coming from the company nor the shareholders mentioned above. Furthermore, while the company is working hard to increase shareholder awareness and share our progress with you, we are not putting out paid promotions and would like our accomplishments to speak for themselves. I usually do not concern myself with day to day trading activity of CGrowth Capital, but felt I needed to respond to the allegations being bantered about that the company is diluting stock - that is simply not true. I believe we are building a solid company, and that the stock price will reflect that in a positive way very soon.
Bill Wright, CEO