Please forgive me if this has been discussed before. Does anyone think that at least part of the reason HTI has been so quiet is that they want the pps to drop so just before they start rolling out substantial pr's they can buy back a large share of stock,retire them thereby reducing O/S?
I believe HTI Management does care about us shareholders. I think they tried to communicate with us through the NDA'ers, some influential posters and a few employees.
And for many of us it worked for quite a while. It has stopped working for many of us because it took longer than expected to get the fleet deals set up and the product moving out the door. Also bashers and perhaps mm's have done a great job in fostering doubt in HTI by continuingly lowering the pps.
I do believe HTI has a great product. I also believe HTI's and our day will come! However as usual everyone has to follow their own council and do what's best for themselves.
Thanks for reading this!