Don't know what info you know, that is for sure. IMO-Based on a lot of theory and a "Bitty, bitty, fact based" I think a start up public owned stock company like HLNT to keep the shareholders interested (particularly sub-penny-"the wild wild west") is a very difficult balance to bear. MY thought is, it is like saying, "We are close folks so very close, working out the kinks, but not there yet, hold on....." in a high risk, fast paced investor culture (pinks). Don't have answers and not claiming HLNT is doing this, but to me that is not black or white it is a gray area a company may need to tread to keep us in it (as I am). Truly believing and wishing that HLNT has the potential and desire to make $100,000.000, maybe wishful but 100% possible.
Have said this before-I know not to marry a stock, but I am financially and emotionally invested in HLNT. Don't like all I see, but don't want a separation or divorse yet.