Blue12-I feel what you are saying.
For me this feels like a life test, sometimes seeing the best and worst in all of us. Personally I am glad those of us are in Ark. right now. Money and time availability is what stood between me and the opportunity.
I have a love/hate relationship with my HLNT investment. Been here since 8/2010, a good story to go with that kind of like Casaprops (but not as impacting but both started in a bar). Know enough of what I have as an investment but not all that I would like to. Wish I had the words, facts, and "cahonas"-ex. spelling and lack of finese, to go head to head with bashers. What I know is we have is a heck of a lot going for us compared to other pink/penny stocks. Infrastructure and product real just all the "bs" that goes with that is extensive to get to market. "Do I feel lucky", is there something there. Heck yes. Will we make it.....hope so, think so