Would appreciate your takes on the first sticky post on IHUB which is an email from LE/Dr M this past weekend. I tried to cut and paste but couldn't do it so I will give the word by word reposting of the msg here. Some posters on the other board seem to feel this shows without a doubt that K should have absolutely no toxicity problems but I am not sure of their background to be able to make such determinations. This email was a response to an email sent to Dr M regarding Kevetrin vs Nutlins and aptosis in healthy cells.
Hi David,
Most of the current chemotherapeutic drug treatment damages the DNA including Nutlin-3. Within minutes of DNA damage, H2A.X is phosphorylated at Ser139 at the sites of the DNA damage. Phosphorylation of H2A.X is a very sensitive assay for measurement of DNA damage. Kevetrin did not induce phosphorylation of H2A.X establishing that Kevetrin is non-genotoxic while Nutlin did induce phos... of H2A.X. We also did the cell viability assays with different cell lines and compared it with normal cells. We find at least 5 to 40 fold difference in IC50 value among the different cell lines and normal cells. This provides an excellent therapeutic window for Kevetrin for cancer treatment.
Dr Menon
Below is a question from me:
We already knew CTIX was non-genotoxic but does the info above give a better idea of just how safe Kevetrin should be and should it give us even more optimism for the safety side of the current trial? I am most interested in knowing if the IC50 values of frmo 5 to 40 fold is new info that you find extremely promising.