I agree Mayhem72ss. It is not likely William will change his M.O. In my opinion, when William was running with the risky gamble that Chile might change its mining laws, he may have had good intentions for that brief period of time. However, as time went on, labor unrest continued, and corruption within the Chilean government was exposed, William may have begun to see the handwriting on the wall. Add to this the Overcash lawsuit, and investors were in for the perfect Lieberman storm.
What finally happened with MMTE was in my opinion predictable. But what occurred on the IFlub board was quite different. On that board people were conned into buying more and holding longer. Not so much by Lieberman. Hell, he did not communicate at all. Instead, that manipulation and criminal activity was done by the very same people who investors trusted --- a true confidence game all around. Remember who these people are, and never ever forget them, or this may all happen again.