yesterday, Pizza boss told me when he tried to call TD Waterhouse to buy more PNCH shares, TD Waterhouse Canada 's reprentitive told him that Company (PNCH) doesn't offer new shares anymore, so he can't buy PNCH from them....( Pizza boss sweared , the TD reprentive told him like that...)
As we see, this is totally BS, (guess that reprentive though pizza boss is a young cheese, and wanted to cheat him), even if he can't buy at $0.0104, he can also buy $0.0109, or even $0.0121, so why the TD waterhouse guy told him he can't buy, guess the TD waterhouse has no confidence to offer naked shares to pizza boss now, even Pizza boos agreed to pay 4% of the total value as trasaction fee( pizza boss's 22M shares bought at the bottom ,total $70K's value, he paid TD waterhouse almost $2800 for trasaction 3-4 months ago..
Company doesn't offer new shares to sell...hahaha,he means TD or other brokers can't afford nake selling anymore , right? so interesting....