"increase in volumes of plastic"
Yeah, that means small amounts. Sure. And the fact that I was actually there and have seen countless pictures since of seemingly endless supplies of plastic, I'm thinking "increase in volumes of plastic" means the polar opposite of small amounts.
I don't care what the boilerplate bullshit in the 10K written by lawyers says about plastic any more than I care about the boilerplate in the same 10K warning about fuel quality potential even though they haven't had any problems yet while they sell tankers full of diesel to NYSE: X at $2.64/gallon and risiing.
Perhaps you were drunk and forget at the AGM -- they only buy it if it's cheaper to buy it then shred it themselves. I'm thinking the recyling center can't handle the volume. It's better to buy it shredded and bypass the recycling center entirely.
Feedstock is not an issue. I'd post last week's picture sent to me of plastic at the recycling center once again busting at the seems, but why bother? It will just lead to more ridicule and accusations of posting it as some sort of some fantasy paid promotion scheme by the photographer and me. I'll share it privately with anybody who wants it. Email or PM me.