Here's how I see it.
QCOM, nobody, could see what the patents were about until published, which they were not, except for 158 on 1-31-13. The 1st glance was when they went live in the Gazette... . here are the dates:
NUNCHI Filings
Application No. Filing Date Gazette date
12/891,875 09-28-2010 11-13-12
13/047,163 03-14-2011 11-20-12
13/047,206 03-14-2011 11-6-12
13/047,290 03-14-2011 11-13-12
13/047,306 03-14-2011 11-13-12
13/047,420 03-14-2011 11-20-12
13/646,158 10-5-2012 Pending
13/681,054 11-19-2012 Pending
13/759,353 2-5-2013 Pending
Note: 158 published 1-31-13
How could QCOM or anyone else for that matter, steal what they could not see?
Here's a quote from the 9-1-11 SHM by Fred..."we are seeking partners to help fund the development, or just buy the whole thing." Many people on another board heard this statement.
The NUNCHI trademark was filed coincidentally 9-1-11. Gimbal was filed 6-1-12. Our 6 patent apps were filed before Gimbal and approved ditto.
Here's a question for you CPA's out there (lol)... . if a partner helps fund the development with grant money to a public company, is it required to be a line item in the financials ?
If there was a collaboration between them and us, there would have to be an NDA to properly protect both sides right?
How is it that Gimbal is focused in the context awareness space, and not all the other things NUNCHI is about?
When Fred was explaining CA to me and DRVEN 9-26-12, why did he steer the conversation referencing QCOM's Gimbal, and similar tech by Xerox Park and Intel? I was a little foggy as to what CA was that day, so I later emailed him and he sent me the Gimbal link that we have all seen here.
Too many coincidences to ignore it completely.
If we partnered up, when will we know?
Makes my head spin...
To be official soon...