not sensitive at all. i read ss accounts that aren't accurate, as far as interpretation and such. not responsible for anyone's dough. if you think i'm short the stock because i ask questions and bring up the past i say prove me wrong. my position in the stock is not material, no matter how anyone would like it to be. nor is my obligation to correct misconceptions.
i've noted people being helpful is all, whatever the reason info is info, either true or false.
is meltnick situation false, ss changes false (or past claims).
my position as moderator here is to kindly request discussions are directed at the information, not the posters. that's my main point. the investment is what interests me (who cares if i am short, long, in/out, or if others are- it's immaterial). sentiments change with pps and time, as they should. the truth in information ought not and posters should be off limits is how i think about it.