after reading your "Cognitive Dissonance" entry and others' posts, i realize some don't even know what they don't know. seem "conditioned" to dismiss negativity. the company and nda members (who've not been straight-shooters). that, at least, can be said. finger-pointing has not gone where it should and accountability absent all around. starting at home.
if you don't know how a share structure works (but claim to, or think the company, nda-ers and others have your best interests) then you don't have to make any informed decisions about your money, company,and investment.- even when people who do know, find out and share.
it's as if some dismiss anyone who says anything appearing negative and move happily on (when they're being helpful- and the info can be confirmed with minimal personal effort). ignorance is not usually bliss in investments, that's all i'll say.