Good point on KIOR. The 10K says JBII made in-spec petroelum fuel for $2.09/gallon in 2012. That's even with all the costs, "excuses," trials, stack test, and whatever problems and associated costs throughout the year, they still made in-spec petroleum fuel for $2.09/gallon.
Meanile, KIOR, is all excited. They hope to bring down their costs to $5.95/gallon this year, and in the year 2015 they are targetting the "magic" sub-$3.00 figure or $2.65/gallon.
In reference call KIOR, being able to "some day" make in-spec petroleum fuel for alternative sources for under $3/gallon is said to be "the holy grail" -- JBII is already there.
KIOR market cap $600 million. JBII with a similar market cap would be over $6 per share.