No problem.
If someone could tell me how to post a spreadsheet, I would love to post it so other investors and followers of MPIX can get an idea as to which tickets are selling first. The total ticket sales I posted does not include the additional fees charged either. 2 sections of the field level seats on both sides at the 50 yard line are already sold out. For sections 108 & 110 that's about 685 seats @ $398.00/seat. On the other side of the field, section 136 and section 135, those tickets sell for $248.00/ seat. Those prices do nor include the additional fees.
I'm a little puzzled. When I looked at the seating map about 3 weeks ago, there were 23 sections sold out. When I looked a few weeks later, there were only 11 sections completely sold out. There are also 17 sections which are partially sold out.
I wasn't off too bad from my earlier post, did miss the total ticket sales by about $400,000