This IS great news, Bumper, and I only hope that the AMAZON stock people are able to get the job done! Just after I first found this news article, and I forget now how I did ''happen on to it'' in just fishing around one day, I tried posting the same on the SRGE LIE-HUB stock forum, as an innocuous FWIW2A type of public post to none, because she & so many of her cohorts in crime had so completely over taken the SRGE forum, via negatively bashing in the way that they are INFAMOUS for doing. Needless to say, I was promptly, and I mean PROMPTLY completely & permanently banned for ''personal attack'', and the post had been promptly deleted also. The which all just goes to prove that lie-hub most definitely has an agenda, the which is to get your money out of your pockets & into theirs, as also into the pockets of their ''minions'' who are willing to sell their souls for their 30 pieces of silver, like as one of their favorite bashers accused old Jaime of doing, if you can swallow that one! If anyone wants to know just who that particular lie-hub basher was who sent me that particular PM, shoot me a PM here on the IHO forum, and I'll let you know who it is, so that you, too, can know at least another one of the lie-hub players that you should avoid at your peril not to. Unless you don't care to be sure about just who you are getting your info from. For then it doesn't matter, does it? That's why anymore, I TRY REALLY HARD TO WELL KNOW JUST WHO THE POSTERS ARE THAT I AM FOLLOWING! And that just takes some time & skill to get good at it! Otherwise just too many gullible sheep out there, just like I used to be, who trust in the wrong people, and thus lose 'mucho dinero'! Just as I used to!
Now, I realize this is a long post, but all of the above, plus what Bumper posted is well complimented by what I said in the following post, if you will take the time to read it! So, PLEASE REMEMBER! ''CAVEAT EMPTOR''! (note: that other post now follows)