I havn't posted much since I joined this group for one real good reason. I honestly have no idea which way HLNT is headed. I'm mostly an optimist so I'm inclined to believe good things are coming. But as I still have what for me is a decent position in HLNT it could just be wishful thinking on my part.
I'm sure I'm not the only one to think of this or post about it for that matter. But I have thought about this for several days and I can only come up with reason HTI/AHS/whoever is encouraging investors to come to headquaters and the factory next week. That reason seems to me that the powers to be are confident in HTI's future.
I understand to tour the factory one will have to sign and NDA. But we have some very intelligent and articulate major investors heading down. I can't help, but think if they like what they see(or don't) that they will be able to come up with some posts whereby we who couldn't make the trip will be able to read between the lines.
So in conclusion to put my money where my mouth is I will be buying or trying to buy at least 500 k shares b4 the end of the day. I suggest any of you who have not already doene so to seriously consider buying some more shares today!
For those of you heading down have a safe trip!
Everyone have a great weekend!