SO just bear with me on this....I realize that I may get flamed for this but WTF....
A group of investors get together a list of previously unanswered questions for HLNT management to answer and present it at a tour of the facilities....
The questions are mostly answered at this meeting....What does this group do with those answers IF an NDA is not signed? Isn't this insider info not available to all investors?
Say for discussion purposes an NDA is NOT signed. The group comes back and lets everyone on this board know what has transpired with their company.....nice, but still insider info for THIS group that has not been PR'd to all investors. Not cool with the SEC...
Just my opinion but I think there are only two alternatives:
1) no info released to this group that has not been made to all investors
2) info IS released and an NDA is signed preventing this group from releasing the info OR trading on it.
It is contrary to SEC rules for ANY investor to be privy to company info (given by the company) and to be able to trade on is an unfair advantage and a violation of the insider trading rules me a new one