commodities is a cyclical market all right-and when iron went to 192/ton Feb 2011 the big boys as well as the illegal mines went berserk w unbelievable greed and entered into projects,as reported in independent articles pub here, w marginal costs as high as 180/ton-which they have since shutdown-as reported before CLF's Canadian iron cash costs were 106/ton w full costs ca 120/ton? and they just closed a pellet plant in Quebec or Ontario (they are also heavily into coal which is hurting badly in the USA) as part of the push and pull of this recently (July to Oct 2012) oversupplied volatile market-but many articles have posited Chinese domestic marginal costs of 120-180/ton e.g for ca 4% underground mines as creating a floor for prices(absent short term aberrations)
There are so few successful Mex businesses not dependent on the USA market you would think Mex might take a larger view but all they can see is the missed tax revenue from illegal mines
If they would buy their own domestically produced ore rather than importing it they would kill 2 birds w 1 stone-solving the illegal mines problem without saddling legitimate mines countrywide w excessive regs