Deforestation is a huge problem effecting nearly everyone in the world today, and logging is one of the direct causes of deforestation. The construction industry claims the demand for timber is not likely to decrease, and who can deny the beauty, the strength and usefulness of wood. However, we also know there is now a better way to supply the market demand for timber without destroying our earth and its precious resources. That answer is a brand new industry called underwater logging. Underwater logging offers one of the solutions to the serious problem of deforestation; especially tropical deforestation of old-growth hardwood species and its influence on climate change. Its important to understand that every tree harvested from the over 50,000 man-made lakes and reservoirs covering over 80 million acres worldwide, is a tree not taken from our remaining living forests.
One might ask if there is a practical way to harvest underwater timber? The answer is yes. Hollund's TigerLynk underwater tree harvesting system has the ability to recover one underwater tree in as little as five minutes and 100 or more trees in an eight-hour shift. Thus, Hollund offers a real and very practical answer to providing eco-sensitive, high quality wood products in a truly sustainable manner. You see, underwater forests are dead, and yet the wood is often perfectly preserved. So no living tree is harmed while harvesting underwater timber. Hollund's TigerLynk tree harvesting system also eliminates the deaths and injuries so common when divers are used to recover underwater trees during harvesting operations. Hollund's TigerLynk utilizes a robotic arm controlled remotely by an operator who is safe and secure in a control cabin on a platform floating far above the underwater forest.