Have you seen the self driving car? Its aweswome! I was sure in november that it was gonna be 800 by the end of the year. Well, i was off by a few months. But, i guarantee, it will be $1000 within the next two months, lol. About a month before Christmas Steeler bought me my first google tablet. as soon as i used my nexus, i was hooked. It was light weight, and easy to hold, and smaller than the other 2 tablets i had. my ipad and my toshiba thrive are both heavy and bulky feeling. And, the nexus was half the price of my other ones. He only paid around 300 for it. So. I ended up buying 14 more, for christmas presents for our kids, and my nieces and nephews. Easiest shopping i did all year! Hubby says the same as you. Google is taking over the world. Think about this. In October, November, apple and google were almost exactly the same price. If I could go back in time and change one thing about my life, I would have bought Berkshire in the 80s when it was $200! There is no way I am missing out on Google! Hubby has owned google since the crash in 08. He started buying in just below $300.I just started buying it for myself last year. I have had to pay a lot more than him, lol. But, it is worth it at any price to me.