Man It's Good to see everyone who is real Investors in HLNT.. It's also good to See the guy I has always and will always refer to as THE KING AKA The Senator.. It's so good to see you all and The King who I has always referred to as The Senator...
I'm glad you all found a new place to chat with each other because Ihub is pure trash.. And has been pure Trash as far as I'm concern when they kicked off The Senator.. It's good to see you all and I hope None of you guys has sold your shares because NIKO and JOSEY are over there on their male monthly...LOL.. Man those guys has some serious issues, but When someone start praising a stock for months and then all of a sudden they turn face and start a Bash party , I have always had a problem with people like that.. You guys who has been in this Stock since SSEV , You better Hold your shares like you're holding you New Wife or Girl Friend...