I tweeted to GotVape01 and asked if they had seen or tried the Cannacig, then asked for a little love for Cheryl Shuman and the Cannacig. I got a tweet back saying they hadn't tried it yet, but would love to.
What followed was a Tweet from Cheryl to GotVape01 saying something to the extent of let's get this update released and that she's bringing a Cannacig to them on Monday or Tuesday.
GotVape01 is following Cannacig on Twitter and several others in this group.
Therefore, based on the speculated timeframe for a PR from RFMK, I wouldn't think it would include GotVape as an online distributor. Perhaps that news will come separately if they are to work it out. I would expect more on the news front about distributors they have signed from the High Times Cannabis Cup showing.
Regardless, we have all seen how far RFMK has come, and can see how much further they can and probably will go. All good things in mine eyes.
Everyone have a great week, I'm off to try and find some wowie in Maui. Or is it Maui wowie
Go RFMK Team!