I found it most interesting that Marc filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy on 9/26/2011, Case #1136498 in Broward Co., FL and it was discharged on June 12, 2012! The Sept date is about the same time as his election to the CEO position at GDSM. Of course we don't know who elected him as GDSM is a one man operation! He also paid off a federal tax lien from 2008 in the summer of 2012!
The question is - where did he get the money to get out of bankruptcy and pay that tax lien? How many of those 125M or 135M shares that were issued by GDSM in the 4th quarter of 2011 did Marc get? Did he dump them onto poor unsuspecting GDSM investors at .02 or .03? If he got 50M of them and sold them at .02 that means he could have absconded with $1,000,000 of shareholders money. If he dumped them at .03 he banked $1,500,000 of shareholders money! Marc could have even issued himself more than 50M shares - do the math if he gave himself 75M. How many million shares did he give brother Paul?
All this would be revealed in an audit in an attempt to up list and this is why it will never happen.
That is money that the Lovitos stole from shareholders and they will never get it back!