On 7/25/2012, William Lieberman, President of Mammoth, stated, "Our trading activity correlates with an equity capital raise with an institutional fund where the Company raised $220,000 USD for the purchase of MMTE's lithium assets a year ago.
Don't you find it strange that no one seems interested or is even asking where all the money went? I know that individual investors purchased MMTE convertible debt for $25,000 - $50,000 - and even $100,000. We also know that William employee several fund raising groups to raise capital for the purchase of lithium concessions, and William released news on several occasions stating that the capital raises were going quite well and were nearly complete --- each and every time he did this. We also know that "iron clad" who later turned out to be Brian MacDonald raised capital for MMTE, and did very well doing so. Finally, we all certainly know that shares were issued (diluted big time) to raise money for concessions (how can anyone forget that).
William told me he did not need to pay for these concessions "up front" or all at once. Instead, he paid in installments, and the final payments were contingent on Chile approving lithium mining. Remember, the lithium concessions were basically worthless unless Chile changed its laws. So I ask, where did the money go? Why doesn't anyone see a need to know?
You certainly won't see this discussion on IFlub. Oh no, that would be forbidden.
Remember, all William purchased was the right to explore and hopefully mine lithium at some point --- MMTE never did actually purchase the land. As for mining, William made no preparation for such. Instead, he hoped someone or some other company would do that for him. Thus, the Atacama is a dry, barren, and lifeless desert. The land has little or no value, unless one can mine, and lithium mining is what gave it value.