Thought to fwd this to Seel for a response, if you have a minute.
"I have yet to get a good answer on why they want to see p21 upregulation in lymphocytes. This is not the target cell population. This suggests that this growth suppressive, pro-apoptotic (cell death) pathway is activated in normal cells.To me, this would suggest significant toxicity, because it would inhibit the growth of the normal cells that are supposed to be growing, which is similar to what happens with normal chemotherapies. However, CTIX claims there is no genotoxic (DNA damaging) effects of the drug. This still would not prevent the drug from causing cell cycle arrest or cell death in normally dividing cells.
Looking at the preclinical data & the patent application for kevetrin, the drug caused vomiting, diarrhea and hematological changes in dogs, which are the general side effects associated with cancer. Additionally from the patent application mice dosed with either 100 mg/ml or 200 mg/ml for 10 days both had ~15% lower body weight than control treated mice. I was initially interested in investing in this stock, but I now have a lot of questions, but I would happy if others have any answers to them, if you would like to respond."