Posted On: 03/11/2013 8:07:59 PM
Post# of 26

MCVE .03 not everything's a play, not everything's an intellectual-property play; you be the judge.
I've tried to learn from prior mistakes, and for one, that is not to mention names in regards to people we talk too from companies we research.
These calls are in nature personal, because every voice discussing all matters one-2-one. Then written down in one post never turn out the same.
No names here, just trust me I have spoken to the right people inline with MCVE.
Now, quite a few of us have researched MacroSolve far beyond what is normal DD, [the IP side], but this one is anything close too normal DD if you've taken the time to scope out the latest 10k, past and recent events that have to do with MarcoSolve's Patent.
United States Patent 7,822,816
Payne October 26, 2010
System and method for data management
A method for the management of data collected from a remote computing device including the steps of: creating a questionnaire; transmitting the questionnaire to a remote computer; executing the questionnaire in the remote computer to prompt a user for responses to questions of the questionnaire; transmitting the responses to a sever via a network; making the responses available on the Web. Preferably, computers used in connection with the inventive method are loosely networked in that network connections between computers are not always available and, when a connection is not available, data is stored at a node of the network and transmitted at the earliest time when a connection is available. In one preferred embodiment, the inventive method is used to collect survey data and to make the responses to the survey available to a client in virtually real time over the Internet.
Inventors: Payne; J. David (Broken Arrow, OK)
Assignee: Macrosolve, Inc. (Tulsa, OK)
Family ID: 31888372
Appl. No.: 10/643,516
Filed: August 19, 2003
I've personally had 2 patent guru's on this one, plus someone we'd recognize from Pro Traders Forum [who is also connected with someone very familiar to patent law], ... and all agree "this one is tight".
No loop-holes!
If you've noticed the iBox on the MacroSolve_Thread, very familiar names appear in current litigation.
If not read on.. and imagine possible 500 more coming up as I was told ‘round numbers’.
Here's what I know:
a.) MCVE is not currently involved in promotions of any sort. Over a year ago they were, but said promotion squad has sold out, and current table in regards to said promotion is clean.
MCVE now, nor in the future will in anyway be part of a promotion.
In regards to a promotion, MCVE... I made it perfectly clear Tier_1 promotion squads will pick this up in the near future at their expense knowing what lies ahead.
b.) At no time now or in the immediate future will MCVE add dilution shares to common. They are at this time, cash-flow positive. This doesn't account for an extended period of time when IF needed.. MCVE may require a large sum of cash for the extension for a large settlement, i.e. name the two public entities over $600 dollars a share, that in my estimation and his... could be part of the program of litigation settlements for 2014.
No names need to be mentioned.
c.) On a weekly basis now MacroSolve extends the welcome to out of court settlements. [please come up with your own conclusions on that one]
d.) I have been told that the future in regards to final settlements [that is one large sum up front], or a license fee, or a royalty, or a small company who does not have the cash to pay up... allows MCVE to own shares in their company [which they have], the flow of cash continues.
Remember that with this type of game-changing intellectual-property play.... all companies are treated differently. Each as a separate entity due too Attorney/Client privileges. [this is something we are not privy too].
One thing for sure... MCVE is treating all companies with the highest respect, but they also understand the small companies cannot pay their due, thus MacroSolve is being very lenient with smaller companies. Which, by the way you won't hear from industry pundits who state MacroSolve patent is overstated in the digital world we live in.
MacroSolve has shown a strategic path that is working from small companies as litigation began not so long ago... building a database of Court/Attorney collective 'goods', so that once they started going after bigger fish the ground work is laid.
There are many pre-trial hearings. In the case of recent events, and since MacroSolve has built a huge database of 'why we are right' in simple terms... I've found out that Judges in recent cases are NOT wasting time if the majority of settlements have occurred [while others hold out], within said judgment for that particular time period. This is all deep, so excuse me for not having a patent/law background.
I have also been told in general, and came up with the conclusion... MCVE could have close too if not over… $1 million dollars in profits just in 2013 alone!
Take time to read up on the latest 10k filings.
Also note they will/are going after much bigger fish now that the ground work has been laid, i.e. GOOG AAPL
Remember too, Sears and many more are currently on the table.
From what I've gathered so far.. MCVE is a hold well into 2014 for me, when the two behemoth's could fold to a 30cent stock!
We would not be discussing a few million in the above two cases, it would be hundreds of million and quite possibly well into a figure with 9 zero's.... in front of the 1.
If you discuss the above with someone who's been in the patent/litigation arena since 1979 as I have.... conclusion draws one, 'this is not an overnight play ~ nor an over-night success story'.
But one that continues to develop!
If you have time... a few recent articles are found on the thread plus recent patent articles:
Remember if your not sure, profits win. If you are sure of your selection, MCVE, profits win while holding the rest as this company continues to develop its strategic vision.
I believe before EOY you’ll be glad you bought at these cheap prices, and even happier you held to see your profits multiply, 10fold?
We’ll see
Names listed on pages 14 thru 16
MCVE Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $3,643,277 a/o Mar 08, 2013
Shares Outstanding 182,163,869 a/o Feb 28, 2013
Float 53,701,010 a/o Dec 17, 2012
Authorized Shares 500,000,000 a/o Dec 17, 2012
Par Value 0.01
I've tried to learn from prior mistakes, and for one, that is not to mention names in regards to people we talk too from companies we research.
These calls are in nature personal, because every voice discussing all matters one-2-one. Then written down in one post never turn out the same.
No names here, just trust me I have spoken to the right people inline with MCVE.
Now, quite a few of us have researched MacroSolve far beyond what is normal DD, [the IP side], but this one is anything close too normal DD if you've taken the time to scope out the latest 10k, past and recent events that have to do with MarcoSolve's Patent.
United States Patent 7,822,816
Payne October 26, 2010
System and method for data management
A method for the management of data collected from a remote computing device including the steps of: creating a questionnaire; transmitting the questionnaire to a remote computer; executing the questionnaire in the remote computer to prompt a user for responses to questions of the questionnaire; transmitting the responses to a sever via a network; making the responses available on the Web. Preferably, computers used in connection with the inventive method are loosely networked in that network connections between computers are not always available and, when a connection is not available, data is stored at a node of the network and transmitted at the earliest time when a connection is available. In one preferred embodiment, the inventive method is used to collect survey data and to make the responses to the survey available to a client in virtually real time over the Internet.
Inventors: Payne; J. David (Broken Arrow, OK)
Assignee: Macrosolve, Inc. (Tulsa, OK)
Family ID: 31888372
Appl. No.: 10/643,516
Filed: August 19, 2003
I've personally had 2 patent guru's on this one, plus someone we'd recognize from Pro Traders Forum [who is also connected with someone very familiar to patent law], ... and all agree "this one is tight".
No loop-holes!
If you've noticed the iBox on the MacroSolve_Thread, very familiar names appear in current litigation.
If not read on.. and imagine possible 500 more coming up as I was told ‘round numbers’.
Here's what I know:
a.) MCVE is not currently involved in promotions of any sort. Over a year ago they were, but said promotion squad has sold out, and current table in regards to said promotion is clean.
MCVE now, nor in the future will in anyway be part of a promotion.
In regards to a promotion, MCVE... I made it perfectly clear Tier_1 promotion squads will pick this up in the near future at their expense knowing what lies ahead.
b.) At no time now or in the immediate future will MCVE add dilution shares to common. They are at this time, cash-flow positive. This doesn't account for an extended period of time when IF needed.. MCVE may require a large sum of cash for the extension for a large settlement, i.e. name the two public entities over $600 dollars a share, that in my estimation and his... could be part of the program of litigation settlements for 2014.
No names need to be mentioned.
c.) On a weekly basis now MacroSolve extends the welcome to out of court settlements. [please come up with your own conclusions on that one]
d.) I have been told that the future in regards to final settlements [that is one large sum up front], or a license fee, or a royalty, or a small company who does not have the cash to pay up... allows MCVE to own shares in their company [which they have], the flow of cash continues.
Remember that with this type of game-changing intellectual-property play.... all companies are treated differently. Each as a separate entity due too Attorney/Client privileges. [this is something we are not privy too].
One thing for sure... MCVE is treating all companies with the highest respect, but they also understand the small companies cannot pay their due, thus MacroSolve is being very lenient with smaller companies. Which, by the way you won't hear from industry pundits who state MacroSolve patent is overstated in the digital world we live in.
MacroSolve has shown a strategic path that is working from small companies as litigation began not so long ago... building a database of Court/Attorney collective 'goods', so that once they started going after bigger fish the ground work is laid.
There are many pre-trial hearings. In the case of recent events, and since MacroSolve has built a huge database of 'why we are right' in simple terms... I've found out that Judges in recent cases are NOT wasting time if the majority of settlements have occurred [while others hold out], within said judgment for that particular time period. This is all deep, so excuse me for not having a patent/law background.

I have also been told in general, and came up with the conclusion... MCVE could have close too if not over… $1 million dollars in profits just in 2013 alone!
Take time to read up on the latest 10k filings.
Also note they will/are going after much bigger fish now that the ground work has been laid, i.e. GOOG AAPL
Remember too, Sears and many more are currently on the table.
From what I've gathered so far.. MCVE is a hold well into 2014 for me, when the two behemoth's could fold to a 30cent stock!

We would not be discussing a few million in the above two cases, it would be hundreds of million and quite possibly well into a figure with 9 zero's.... in front of the 1.
If you discuss the above with someone who's been in the patent/litigation arena since 1979 as I have.... conclusion draws one, 'this is not an overnight play ~ nor an over-night success story'.
But one that continues to develop!
If you have time... a few recent articles are found on the thread plus recent patent articles:
Remember if your not sure, profits win. If you are sure of your selection, MCVE, profits win while holding the rest as this company continues to develop its strategic vision.
I believe before EOY you’ll be glad you bought at these cheap prices, and even happier you held to see your profits multiply, 10fold?
We’ll see
Names listed on pages 14 thru 16
MCVE Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $3,643,277 a/o Mar 08, 2013
Shares Outstanding 182,163,869 a/o Feb 28, 2013
Float 53,701,010 a/o Dec 17, 2012
Authorized Shares 500,000,000 a/o Dec 17, 2012
Par Value 0.01

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