COOL IT! Wow, JUst sell a few at or above, take a breather, do not want to see .007 tomorrow, and not past .0075 weds. Too fast, and don't listen b-4 on i crud, he doesn't tell truth, he failed to mentiopn if you get the shares under the price you were willing to pay, it is recorded as a sell, he didn't luck out hoping for trips, heck with him! Congrads to those that do have shares, we got a long long road ahead, within a week or so, we should be over a penny, and should be the last of seeing sub penny, due to q and better better q's in future
, my recommendation would be save a few for what if, there my be something joseph and steve will do for share holders perhap the other preferred shares! Don't know, steve won't answer my e-mails! First march, now stock holders meeting in april! The float is tight! as it was this morning, this afternoon, big rush profit taking and buying, you guys made market makers happy caused you rushed the selling and buying! Cool it, keep the demand, they arn't out of woods yet, but they are happy now, what 14 million in volume? Where do you think how they make it up, between the sell and buy! They are not dumb, but cons! just like half are buys and half are sells, bunk, as I explained, you say what your buy is, and you get it cheaper, recorded as a sell when actually it is a buy! Oh well, no higher than .007 tomorrow I hope, nice and progressively! Perchy!