(Total Views: 292)
Posted On: 09/23/2022 4:02:17 PM
Post# of 7928
I just finished watching the Netflix documentary called 'Facing Nolan'. Of course, it's about Nolan Ryan, who pitched his 7th no-hitter at the age of 44. His career was bumpy at first, wild pitches, walks, etc. but he had the goods and when he got some real coaching his career took off. Interestingly, and this is great trivia question, he never won a Cy Young award. Hard to imagine anyone else matching his career. Pitching in the 108 mph range, The Ryan Express was a force to be reckoned with, no doubt.
Bioelectronics, BIEL, has yet to crack the professional sports world in any meaningful way. As far as I am concerned we should, ALREADY!!!, have been in every sports locker room the world over years and years ago. The reasons for this are deep, dark, not-so-mysterious, and not worth the words to give it justice. It is criminal if we lived in a sane world, which we most certainly do not. Truth be told, we celebrate insanity, give each other awards for petty accomplishments and declare ourselves civilized. Oh, how beautiful the emperor's new clothes!
Set aside the fact that our budget will not afford a monster advertising campaign, the reputation of this 'miracle' device should have spread far and wide on how effective it is, and with no side effects, ever. Something this good, and easy to use, and affordable has star power all on its' own. Let the athletes perform w/o all the bullshit politics, the insane amounts of money (ref: $230 million guaranteed contract for a qb on an 8 game suspension ???), the gambling, the hype, the elitism (take your kid to a game and spend how much?), the corruption and point shaving, sports has become more Vegas showtime and less competition. We, BIEL, have been 'in the game' for 20 yrs and we get excited by brief exposure on a nauseating morning talk show.
I remember Nolan Ryan's career and how, time after time, teams underrated him. Repeatedly, his career was over. He pitched 2 more no-hitters after turning 40. He persevered b/c he alone knew Nolan Ryan better than anybody. Likewise, our Founder, Andy Whelan persevered b/c he knew the PEMF technology as well as, if not better than most. He endured the slings and arrows of outrageous aggression. BIEL has been ridiculed, scoffed and sneered at, written off, always to come back even better. So, piss off, bashers and boneheads, big pharma, FDA, and anybody else standing in our way. We are taking the cue from the Ryan Express and we are gaining speed. The best hitters in baseball whiffed his fast ball. The filthy liars and nastiest deceivers who pulled every dirty trick in the book are going down. We are coming; we are many; and We are Legion.
Yea, feeling a little feisty these days. And why the hell not? Stand up, say what you think. Better yet, THINK! Practice random logic and point out the absurdity of gulping down bottles of poison b/c some idiot on tv said so. I work w/ a guy, who at the age of 54 takes 13 pills per day and sees no other way. Another guy takes over 20; same attitude. These sad cases don't happen by accident, quite the opposite. It is intentional and must change or we shall surely perish mistaking the dancing shadows for reality.
You all know what I want to happen in the near future so I'll spare you another rendition. This investment means more than money to me. I still talk about it, like this past week, to 2 young truck drivers, both having lower back pain and not knowing about an alternative to pills. I did them a favor and felt great about it. I might fail in this investment but I'll fight to the finish knowing what the stakes are and what we are up against. I'll leave you w/ a great quote attributed to Teddy Roosevelt.
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
definitely BUY_MORE_SHARES
later, WBeacham
Bioelectronics, BIEL, has yet to crack the professional sports world in any meaningful way. As far as I am concerned we should, ALREADY!!!, have been in every sports locker room the world over years and years ago. The reasons for this are deep, dark, not-so-mysterious, and not worth the words to give it justice. It is criminal if we lived in a sane world, which we most certainly do not. Truth be told, we celebrate insanity, give each other awards for petty accomplishments and declare ourselves civilized. Oh, how beautiful the emperor's new clothes!
Set aside the fact that our budget will not afford a monster advertising campaign, the reputation of this 'miracle' device should have spread far and wide on how effective it is, and with no side effects, ever. Something this good, and easy to use, and affordable has star power all on its' own. Let the athletes perform w/o all the bullshit politics, the insane amounts of money (ref: $230 million guaranteed contract for a qb on an 8 game suspension ???), the gambling, the hype, the elitism (take your kid to a game and spend how much?), the corruption and point shaving, sports has become more Vegas showtime and less competition. We, BIEL, have been 'in the game' for 20 yrs and we get excited by brief exposure on a nauseating morning talk show.
I remember Nolan Ryan's career and how, time after time, teams underrated him. Repeatedly, his career was over. He pitched 2 more no-hitters after turning 40. He persevered b/c he alone knew Nolan Ryan better than anybody. Likewise, our Founder, Andy Whelan persevered b/c he knew the PEMF technology as well as, if not better than most. He endured the slings and arrows of outrageous aggression. BIEL has been ridiculed, scoffed and sneered at, written off, always to come back even better. So, piss off, bashers and boneheads, big pharma, FDA, and anybody else standing in our way. We are taking the cue from the Ryan Express and we are gaining speed. The best hitters in baseball whiffed his fast ball. The filthy liars and nastiest deceivers who pulled every dirty trick in the book are going down. We are coming; we are many; and We are Legion.
Yea, feeling a little feisty these days. And why the hell not? Stand up, say what you think. Better yet, THINK! Practice random logic and point out the absurdity of gulping down bottles of poison b/c some idiot on tv said so. I work w/ a guy, who at the age of 54 takes 13 pills per day and sees no other way. Another guy takes over 20; same attitude. These sad cases don't happen by accident, quite the opposite. It is intentional and must change or we shall surely perish mistaking the dancing shadows for reality.
You all know what I want to happen in the near future so I'll spare you another rendition. This investment means more than money to me. I still talk about it, like this past week, to 2 young truck drivers, both having lower back pain and not knowing about an alternative to pills. I did them a favor and felt great about it. I might fail in this investment but I'll fight to the finish knowing what the stakes are and what we are up against. I'll leave you w/ a great quote attributed to Teddy Roosevelt.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
definitely BUY_MORE_SHARES
later, WBeacham
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