RENU: Facts and Timeline
The St Cloud landfill belongs to the city of St. Cloud, therefore it was incumbent upon them and was their responsibility to pursue the permitting for closure of the landfill. The Friday PR announces formally that the final permit for closure of the landfill, under the ownership of the city of St. Cloud, has taken place.
Next step is for the city of St. Cloud to issue a Notice to Proceed, allowing RENU permission to take the next step of securing the required the construction permits (most likely both local and state required), to begin the process of installing the equipment which is already located very near the site (Whew, thanks for thinking ahead Don!)
As posted in previous post, 3/14/13 is the next council meeting during which there should be time for Don to update the council and to request the Notice to Proceed.
Having met all of the requirements and criteria previously set before him by the council, hopefully this will be a mere formality and the Notice issued without reservation.
Very specific, easy to follow steps here. Should be no problem in managing your investment accordingly.
Best of luck.