My musings on the future of CTIX
Pros: Dr Menon getting on in years and may want to finalize everything ASAP and then continue with Kard Scientific to satisfy his lab work passions. Everyone cashes out immediately. Lots of resources get thrown by the purchasing company to complete work on his current pipeline of possible medicines. Dr Menon realizes the fruits of his lifelong labors and earns the worldwide fame he deserves. Should Dr Menon die prior to sale, who takes over his position as Chief Scientific Officer to pursue further work down the road? Sale makes everything neat and tidy.
Cons: Would selling to a big pharma cause a major reluctance from all the other big pharmas to put money into research for combo drugs relating to Kevetrin and Prurisol? Would they work with another big pharma to bring such products to market? Would they want their efforts to be financially profitable to their competitor? In the end, would this route lessen the good K,P, and the other pipeline drugs might be able to do because nobody but the buyer of CTIX would put money into developing them into as many fine combo cocktails as possible? Dr M's products are seen as competition by all of big pharmas except one company.
Pros: By staying as a going concern, CTIX becomes a feedstock for major products that ALL big pharmas can use to partner with their own unique products and thus big pharma looks at CTIX as a provider of revenue streams as opposed to being a competitor since they not be marketing any products themselves. Any of them can hop on the CTIX product express and attain new revenue streams. This would allow for the most avenues for wide dissemination of K/P in possible combos down the line.
Cons: Means Dr M/LE have to stay in the game and run this going concern and they may be at a point in their lives where this is no longer the lifestyle they want. No immediate end of game pot of gold for investors but should start a continuously growing stream of revenues coming into CTIX to be distributed as dividends or other such means. IMO this would be the avenue for the largest total amount of return to CTIX investors. Trade off is do you want a LARGE amount of money now or an EVEN LARGER amount of money spread out over what could be a considerable time period?
This thinking could be inane, but it sure is fun to consider such possibilities where each possible outcome is extremely positive to the CTIX investor.
Last thought for consideration re: stock price in Aug. Will major investors, both individuals and financial institutions, wait to follow the SP before investing or wait for trials results to begin investing? I think by Aug we have a pretty good handle on both K/P working and even if the stock price is not going up like a rocket there should be a couple of BIG investors that can read the writing on the wall and beat the herd to the stock and thus start driving the price up. That is what I believe is going to take the SP up by the end of Aug. Nice to see how close this comes to reality knowing if I am wrong it will correct itself within a matter of months to the upside.