You are right. We have not seen Q4 numbers.
I think buenokite put forward some conservative expectations.
JBI basics for a good Q4.
One of the beneficial byproducts of poor delivery on expectations is if you survive expectations [that have] become rock bottom. I believe JB is in that position. To report a successful Q4 all they have to do is:
1) Breakout P20 from other business operations so investors can get a clear view of true revenue and cost among other metrics. This one is so basic that it is sad it is even an issue. Again a beneficial byproduct of failing to do even the simple basic blocking and tackling of being a public company. When you actually do it everybody can herald it as the next evolution of business.
2) Do $750k in revenue and 50% gross margins which is basically 31 processor days of production and sales and a fraction of the margins they claim are possible. Even if you assume ALL of December is down for a stack test for all machines and you assume 1.5 machines available for October and November this is wildly conservative.
3) And finally, have a CC to detail progress and answer questions.
I am primarily focused on his second bullet. Do you see ANY reason why those numbers are not reasonable expectations? He gave December away. Will we be able to determine gross margins? That will require his first bullet.