Hey NotRichYet2, You want an opinion..here's one from my cousin TED, a seasoned investor..
Cuz -- My 3 boys & I control 16.3K. I am
NOT going to give them so much that
they never have to work, and become
dilletantes. But I wouldn't mind having
a few more stakes just in case the offer
is low, or takes a dual form; some cash,
some equity. I'm sort of hogtied with-
out more info. Multiplying the above
figure by various dollar amounts is
sure fun. But taxes loom, an ever-
present threat. M. has some deductions, Alex and J have none that I know of,
And I think out of diplomatic necessity,
I'll have to throw my better half a bone,
which will mean buying an extra 6
hundred or so.
I doubt if either thee or I can real-
istically expect to see another situa-
tion of this caliber. This is the 3rd one
I've tried. The first 2 were all full of
holes, and failed predictably. But the
experience has come in very handy
thus far, and if the tests hold up, our
chances have to be better than 70%.
A month or 6 weeks should tell the
tale. I want the most solvent Co. to
be the buyer/partner. I can't see
Menon ignoring that aspect, since
he's done so well up till now.
rather pensive, TT
No offence people but what I'd like to see from posters here is more opinions (even if speculative) as to what they are expecting from CTIX over the next few months if not for the year 2013. The almost weekly PRs and emails are for sure nice but the BIG BIG BIG NEWS has yet to come. Expansion in where and on what types of cancers KEVETRIN can be used on is a foregone conclution. What we have yet to GET is STUDY DOCUMENTATION that it is effective in activating p53 in HUMANS via p21 and that it IS having an effect on cancer in the participants. All that should be comming out this year. Without that confirmation KEVETRIN is being looked on as no better than a placebo - that IMO is what is holding CTIX at current levels. The "KEVETRIN is a GAME CHANGER" has yet to be realized/proven to the cancer medical world. Not being critical here just how I see it at this time point in time. Am seeing that by this summer , all here will be posting with a lot more DATA.
PRURISOL - which starts up again in APRIL and for 60 days + , can/should be a driving force for CTIX more after the study than during. On successful completion of the study though not FDA approved will open many financial doors to CTIX that are not there now.
I can add a few other comments here but will hold for now. Just that to me , YEAR 2013, is the big MAKE IT or BREAK IT YEAR for CTIX and for us investors.