Not too long ago Japan was 2nd biggest economy-they will need copper etc to rebuild the north destroyed by the earthquakes /tsuami of 3-11--takes years of land use planning to figure how and where to level entire mountains to raise coastal communities above tsunami height and rebuild-scary thing is they were decades ahead of the USA in their tsunami preparations-so if a tsunami hits large USA coastal communities with very poor land use planning-like New Orleans built below sea level, say sayonara
promo players selling at end of day-(there was no promo but many play everything like a promo or flip themselves silly) that was one of the hardest things to understand about penny players --so those who cant wait for a permit for 1 week or however many days or hours they held sell to play something else on Monday-always chasing instant wealth-hey if you find it let me know -I've never found instant wealth in the market-I wonder if they even have the patience to use the bathrooms in their homes or the turn signals on their vehicles or the brakes for that matter