I didn’t say both sides were equal. I also didn’t say that everyone is a self-appointed expert.
Longs always have more interest in their stock. They carry the most risk, over the greatest span of time, and receive the largest amount of abuse. I know that from experience.
I’m not offering marriage counseling. Bashers offer little to no truth. Bashers screw with my money. That means they are screwing with my family. I don’t like it when people screw with my family.
Just give me the facts…and some thoughtful opinions about the facts to chew on and discuss…and some respectful discussion of corrections as needed…without need for a suit of armor during the discussion. That’s what this board was meant for…a little light hearted OT and humor is good too.
You will find some inter-filing DD in the ‘Stickies’…from folks I assume are longs.