Basic DD is hard to decipher on the boards. Extensive filtering is required for pros and cons. Facts are hard, but parsing with machinations and great imagination continues. Emotions rule the days.
JB is this company’s greatest asset on a technical basis. He also has been this company’s greatest liability on a business and PR basis. The past still provides more than enough fuel to add to the fodder produced by all the self-appointed experts; both sides. The fodder makes a traders market.
I’d like to see JBII become just a speculative investment without all the manipulations. At the very least, I would love to see some more real and clean DD on the boards to help people make investment decisions. But, it wouldn't make as much of a market. It would be a lot less exciting.
The best thing JBII has done is keep their mouths shut until they have something real to say; something real for ‘investors’ and interested parties. It is incumbent on this company to make it more interesting to investors, and less interesting to traders. They are on the road.
Adrenaline is a rush. It’s also a rush that kills with equal opportunity when overworked.
Take a deep breath everyone. Consider JBII deliberately.