I havent posted permit(s) here because files are to large to upload to this free site-so I resized file w a resizing program but then the formatting or whatever was lost so it could not be uploaded- those w better PC skills than I-and there should be plenty-can always do these things-the permit has been posted both by Claude and myself on lieflub and by iggy elsewhere -since iggy discovered the permit-thanks iggy
Every year it takes weeks for the govt to publish the permit after its issued and then it takes longer for all departments to get the info in their databases-every year those who profit from a pps fall make more unnecessary crises out of this
the big battle is to get the concession-which they have -as I've posted many times govt cant deny permit for those w a legal concession-
the permit games are foolishly designed to catch the illegal mines on the south mainland in hostile to the central govt territory where the largely indigenous natives dont recognize the authority of the cenrtral govt- its similar to vietnam- only controlled by govt when boots are on the ground-since the govt does not have the troops to occupy that hostile territory they try to solve the illegal south mainland mine problem w ridiclous red tape country wide-
when did red tape ever stop criminal activity? Do the Chinese DVD counterfeiters say - "oh no we are doomed, we better not do this when they see the FBI warnings on every DVD -no they just laugh all the way to the bank
I've posted reasons for ship delays as also noted in 6-25-12 PR
PLUS there was the court contested 7-12 Mex elections and then an outgoing lameduck govt which caused things to be delayed countrywide-these things happen in Brazil and India also- govt's doing what they do best-play games-especially when they are trying to get their share of the hugely profitable iron business
thats because ore climbed from ca 12/ton in 2002 to 192/ton Feb 2011 so johnny come lately govts are dealing in their usual sloppy fashion w the illegal mines which have popped up in many countries