A lot of t trades are by mm to correct the books!
From steve last dec.
The reality is no company can control their pubic price. That's a function of the supply and demand in the market. Companies don't talk to market makers nor should they. If that
was the case they could manipulate the stock price. This would create an unfair market place and people would lose confidence in investing in the stock market in general. The
public based on their perception and buying and selling are what establish the value in the market.
All my management team and majority shareholder are not going anywhere. We have actually added board members just recently.
With are additional studio in Hollywood and our new TV Show we are producing "Static" we are gaining huge headway in the direction we have been planning for years. For years
our plan has been to become an entertainment company. Our growth in the last year has been light years above past years. When dealing with major studios and media
companies things take a little longer to finalize. As soon as we can talk about what is happening here we will.
As far as revenues go that will be a function of us continuing to follow our plan. We had to get the studios behind us first and show them we could create quality content from the
opportunities then have given me. We have done that. Currently every major studio not only invites me to attend events to interview actors and directors but they also pay all the
cost of the cameras, travel and all production work. In the next coming weeks I will be with the cast of Sherlock Holmes, MI Ghost Protocol and New Years Eve. It took 5 years to
gain this access. If it where possible to pay for this access, which it is not, the cost of travel and crews alone would be in the hundreds of thousands. We are one of 50 international
media companies with this access.
Now with this content in place and growing we are seeing our traffic rise. We are also syndicating our content to TV stations and other online media companies.
As we continue to do these things revenues will come.
Lastly, on a separate note. Every time somebody calls in or writes a transfer agent and requests the shares outstanding the companies are charged a significant fee. That is why
most companies don't allow transfer agents to issue these.
We also must talk with one voice. It would unfair for a person with the time to call or write an TA every week to have different information they somebody that does not have that
time. Everyone can see the shares outstanding on the quarterly reports. We don't hide anything we have been fully reporting since day one. Everything we do is in those reports.
I hope this helps you.
Steven Samblis