Illest, I agree, I do not think anyone can know exactly what is going on for the company so IMO all the rants on both sides are just mere speculation but without much hard data or PRs of realized corporate accomplishments the investing public does not have much to go on right now except promises of a 10K allegedly coming soon. The stock is it's own animal, I believe for now it is just a trading vehicle for sub penny OTC players and day traders. IMO the DTC chill not allowing firms like TDA to trade it is keeping a decent sized set of investors/traders out of the name. As for the accusations that I somehow think there is a large NSS conspiracy going on in RFMK, I do not. I have stated many times that it is clear the biweekly short interest is basically zero, so short sale transactions are not being held long term, they are getting covered either same day or very soon after. In the past what I have alluded to though is the possibility that NSS still does happen in the market place and because those firms who may engage in it would not report those short sales, those figures would not show up in any reports and so it is impossible to know if it is going on or not. Typically one can look to the failure to deliver metrics to better understand what is going on with the mechanics but for chilled stocks, the DTC seems to give an all clear for crony firms to just do what they wish regardless of the alleged T4T designation via foreign or other non-DTC firms which can still use "ex-clearing" arrangements to engage in such illegal behavior. What I have stated in the past and recently is that it is quite clear that the legit shorting going on in RFMK daily is rather large compared to the total volume. Each to his own interpretation of that but those numbers are available for all; FINRA daily short sale volume versus total volume. There are some who insist they have talked to FINRA and those figures mean nothing and that somehow they just show the MM's legged-trades in order to provide liquidity and settle trades but this explanation is just smoke and mirrors engineered to keep investors from monitoring the short sale volume levels on a daily basis. Actually, the real deal is that those daily figures very simply show the total number of shares shorted for the trading session on a particular day; very simple, nothing complicated. Just for an amusing exercise we have all already witnessed (in real-time) whether those numbers made sense and everything added up, (ie.. were all the shorts covering), and we found that they were in fact covering the shorts, however this conclusion did not come without a cost and that cost was realizing that it meant that most (95%+) of the volume we see daily is just massive shorting and covering by market manipulators and the figures show that there just is no room for accounting for real retail trading or at least not very much. The interpretation cannot have both explanations, otherwise put, either it is the case that the stock is trading openly and wonderfully among many many investors and traders each day and there is no fake volume but it would mean that not all shorts are getting reported to FINRA or covered, or, it is the case that all shorts are getting properly reported and covered but it would mean that most of the volume is phony. Take your pick.
Difficult to see the future is. The dark side clouds everything.