Here where I have been doing, actually writing a book for steve! LoL! I asked a few to post something that I'm suspended till july 4th or 5th on other place! This what I asked steve to post!
( If anybody post on I-hub , Just say perchy here but very lmited by I-Hub!)
Do not post what is below!
Due to unintentional spamming to a cleaner board elsewhere, with private mail Ihub suspended me to 3 private post a day tll july 4th or 5th, not sure about board posting?
Sent them all the proof including the link I sent to certain investors! They said they were gonna give it back to me, but I told them already, I'm canceling just like others due to the quality control of i-hub board with icpa board!
After I sent to him that I canceled
Then he said that he was gong to give back all priveges
He then said since you don't care! LoL! The choice is theirs! Be back tomorrow!
Whether I renew in Sept. depends on them! Got o tell all those wonderin why I ain't responding! I can't not even privately for a paid service! Had to pst some where, none others answer the otherways so, I even ask dm to let board know I'm suspended! Now with this posting on facebook might be for good!
Got way too many asking where am I! No matter how hard I tried to address the quality control with adm.gets no where including mod favoring bashing! Got no where with the issues, but am on another site! If you want a clean board, ask a long!