I've been pretty quiet, sitting on the sidelines.? Nothing really to post here, just waiting for the next run.
I have one question for you Hector.
If IHangout is trying to be that much better then IHub, then why are you always allowed to personally attack people and not get your posts removed?? Personal attacks are a complete TOS and off topic.?
But yet, someone posts something negative it gets removed.
I'm not posting anything negative about the company, but when someone comes in here and reads all the personal attacks your allowed to do, they get a bad image of RFMK.? In a way you all represent RFMK to new investors coming in, looking in.? Not really a good first impression when they see all the personal attacks.? You?all state IH is better then IHub, maybe should start acting like it.
Just my two cents, back to the sidelines I go.?