Bank shot or BSD is from what I gather and ex employee with connections and or may very well have an in with or is part of Alpine.. If one looks at his posts in conjunction with Cottonballs on IFLUB you could see that they worked imo to take to down MMTC just before 05/16/2012. BSD was touting a problem for some time before that time frame, yet Conttballs started to suggest he was in contact with AOAC (which was odd, as it was portrayed the law suit was coming from data gleaned from AOAC.) and then the calls for laws suit came into play. Keep in mind no one else had the data. Shareholders didn't get the data until the 10Q was released. If you'll notice the take down was there immediately after the 05/16/2012 date. The only way they would know that is if they had an inside angle.. eos imo!