OK BC2000, we all would like more communications from the COMPANY. In time we will get it, remember this is really a startup company with the new HY products.
The 9th generation of the HY products have been installed in the field since the end of last year. The results are probably just now being analysed and Fleets are probably getting there bosses to get going on purchasing the products.
Remember, major companys do not, and I repeat do not work on our schedule, With the possible cost in the 100 of thousands of dollars the request has to be approved by the corporate bunch, accounting, legal, etc.
So with that said, it takes time, and issuing PR's on names of these companys without a sign contract could be bad. IMHO I think HLNT/HTI/AHS are working on all of this as fast as possible and we will get the information at the proper time.
So I know is frustrating but I have been on both sides and sometimes its not fun.
So a little more patience, I feel we all will be happy this year.