Welcome back??? They always were around, they post time to time, been in contact, alot are not posting on boards but communicate through other channels! Oh there are quite a few from last spring here! A few of em got caught with their pants down! LoL! The are waiting yet, believe I know who you are! LoL! Nope, no winnies for you, we didn't allow it to go low! Power out of your hands!
Long ways to march 29th, then stock holders meeting! We got the head start! And by volume float is some what tight, sell your dumps,(YOURS),Not STEVE"S) LoL! Nice sweet talking and brain washing!
we will buy em! LOL! Believe we have big surprises coming, can feel it! Yep will save at least half for long term! Depending on q and stock holders meeting in april!
I have that funny feeling of a partnership or other ways, but just don't know, but it was cause of little bitty that and little bitty that and no response to my letter. LoL! Yes, Steve , I'll keep my letter quiet too, till you say something about it! ( Hint, the stock holders meeting) Why he didn't answer, hmm, no ideal, maybe he can't! Any how good luck to all! IMO, save some for the meeting at least, I'm And beyond!