LooseLips, I can understand that we may be nervous about this move in the stock, some of us more than others. And I understand that you wanted to solicit an opinion from people you thought of as knowledgeable. I'm not criticizing YOU for that.
But for anyone to do a superficial look at CTIX, seeing no sales revenues (well DUH it's a development stage company) and then claim that Leo Ehrlich is just "selling stock" and not trying to get the trials going -- well that is just absurd, outrageous, and disgusting. I suggest in the future you do not depend on some "friend" who knows less than you do, for a second opinion.
I am dismayed that you would post that garbage. Your research with the (unneeded) confirmation from Dr. Reddy's may be valuable to those who are worried -- but I think that your post has made many people needlessly worried.
Does anyone REALLY think that Leo Ehrlich is willing to take a chance on going to jail, or losing a lot of assets, by putting out press releases that are untrue? Does anyone REALLY think that Dana-Farber would participate in a stock-selling scam?
I mean, REALLY.