Lately the battles are being won. At least more than the setbacks. We will win the war in the end one battle at a time.
Hopefully we have good production numbers reported from the Brown in 2 weeks.
Maybe a report on drill depth progress on SJ 3.
We asked for frequent news of progress and we're getting it good and bad. I'm starting to wonder if some of you would be better off not knowing. TECO management and IR might think the same. That if knowing the truth of day to day operations causes so much discouragement then the shareholders were better off being kept in the dark. We can't have it both ways. Ignorance is bliss? Or toughen up and face the reality of TECO's struggles to succeed in a difficult, risky business.
Failure is always a possibility. If you can't stomach that then sell and move on. All of us, I believe, are here because the risk/reward is huge to the upside. If you think that reason for originally investing is no longer true then it's prudent to sell.
If that risk/reward is still there then hang on for the ride. When it plays out there's a handsome reward for those that have the balls.