NUVM .001 a very strong front-load IMO, 2/28 1.5million shares http://www.profitspi.com/stock/view.aspx?v=pr...3317361921
Nothing even close to that 200 days back and further...
Even on the .0048 runs, July Aug. Sept... the largest day was only 200k on one day and it moved up quite a bit...
So 1.5mil doesn't move it? No, if your thinking buys/sells 50/50ish your totally wrong. Look back at volume in recent days before that.
Remember.. the 1.5mil is only $2,250.00 at .0015, but if your thinking that you've already missed the big picture 'possibility' as most do. Cost has nothing to do with an extreme 10day Alert.
Just ask the person who bought: EDXC 1/23/2013 somewhere around .002 852,500_volume... that's not much, right?
Then it ran to .088 LoL
Extreme 10day Alert 'watch'