SIRG is already planning their next mining project and has a contract with Michael Rowland, a geologist/engineer to find another mining project or JV when the Chloride goes into production. Maybe they will look in Chile if they want to remain in the copper industry.
Chile's state owned Codelco, the world's largest copper producer announced that it would invest USD 5 billion on existing and planned projects this year. It has also been reported that Coldelco intend to invest as much as 28 billion USD in the upcoming years to develop its projects.
Codelco said that of that amount, USD 2.89 billion will go toward extending the useful life of mines. Codelco accounts for 11% of the world's copper supply.
Between Codelco and other privately held companies, Chile produces 5.6 million tonnes a year of copper a third of the world's output of the metal.