
MPIX Daily Chart............ A Very Interesting Trading Day on Friday
For the first time in months, the trading on Friday was something to talk about. Not one bidwhack or seller for the first 3.5 hours of the day. A 700k bid at .0051 sat there from almost the opening before a small sell order hit it. A second sell order, filling 500k of that 700k, occurred quite a while later. Why was that important? Well, for approx six months, every bid of 50k and more was hit almost immediately, no matter what the price was. Too early to say if the shorters, impatient and flippers are finally done, but the resultant move of under 1.5 mil shares took the stock from .0051 to .0064. MPIX is going to prove to be one of the thinnest stocks, considering the OS, that we've seen in many moons. It should be very clear in reading the last release regarding Lionel Messi, that it the first major and most important release that MPIX has issued to date. MPIX is definitely a new company that is now beginning to execute and deliver. Go back and review the last five releases to understand when I'm pointing out.
As to the technicals, first of all please note the multi month hold of the MA200. That long term indicator has actually flattened out and will begin moving up over the next few days and weeks. The full bodied candle of Friday moved the stock back above all the moving averages except for the MA50, at .008, which is now dropping quickly. The FullSto already crossed to a buy a couple of days ago and is now crossing the MA8. Both MACDs are curling up, and it's my expectation that they'll both begin to separate and cross above the zero line quickly. Short term, the stock needs to move and close over .008. A subsequent test of the low pennies will occur very soon, imo. The highs of .0885 will be taken out before summer based on what I seen in the technicals, share structure, releases and upcoming projects. GLTA

