I wonder how long trade win post gonna last, another like it got deleted which he says could be a ten bagger or more, the old vincey wheel is off the wheel! LoL! What he doing on a pnch board anyhow! If same guy, believe he e-mailed me once, in fl. and italished and just could be, maybe in the mob! LoL! who knows, I saw king post on i crub, was no reason to delete it! They are the mob! Losing custermers daily I think They loss me last july, wasn't my call, it was administration geeky davio, well I don't roll over, oh, he said he was giving me full privishges back! LoL! At least they don't care about customers which I found out, only web site views to get advertisers! PERIOD! Truth told, I am truth and by expience! LoL!~ And proud of it!